
How Much Does an Obituary Cost in Germany?

The main purpose of a death notice in the newspaper is to inform relatives and friends in the region about the death. However, the cost of a traditional newspaper obituary is often surprisingly high.

Main Factors: Colors, Size, Circulation

Obituary costs depend on various aspects, including the size of the advertisement, whether it is printed in color or black and white, and the circulation of the newspaper in which it is published. A small, black and white obituary in a local newspaper can be available for as little as 60 euros, while a larger, color obituary in a national newspaper can cost several hundred to a thousand euros.

Other Factors: Day of the Week, Special Services, Express Charges

The day of the week on which the ad is published can also have an influence on the price. In many newspapers, the cost of ads published on a Saturday is higher, as circulation and readership tend to be higher on this day.

Additional services such as professional design assistance, proofreading or translations may also incur additional costs.
If an obituary needs to be published very quickly, rush charges may apply. Some newspapers charge a fee for publishing an obituary with a short lead time.

If you plan to publish the obituary in several newspapers or several times in the same newspaper, volume discounts may be available. However, placing the obituary in several publications generally increases the overall costs.

National Newspapers

The cost of an obituary in national newspapers can be considerably higher. Prices can quickly rise into the four-figure range, and an obituary in a major daily newspaper can cost up to 2,000 euros.

Local Newspapers

In local newspapers, obituary costs are usually lower. A small advert can cost around 60 euros on average, while larger obituaries can cost more than 100 euros.

Two Tips for Saving Money:

  • Some newspapers give smaller discounts for long-term subscribers. Check with your newspaper and be persistent!
  • Most newspapers offer up to 50% discount on subsequent thank you ads.

Some Price Examples for an "Average Obituary"

Obituary with approx. 140mm height in black and white – all information without guarantee!

National Daily Newspapers

Newspaper Price (approx.) – Without Guarantee
Die Welt 1500€ - 2000€
Die Zeit 2500€
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2380€
Handelsblatt 2000€
Süddeutsche Zeitung 2300€ (Complete Edition)
1600€ (Bavaria Edition)
taz – die tageszeitung 1100€

Regional Daily Newspapers

Newspaper Price (approx.) – Without Guarantee
Aachener Zeitung 3650€ (Complete Edition)
730€ (Regional Edition)
Allgäuer Zeitung 830€ (Complete Edition)
Augsburger Allgemeine 2970€ (Complete Edition)
1240€ (Main Edition Augsburg)
Badische Neueste Nachrichten 980€ (Complete Edition)
760€ (Main Edition)
Berliner Zeitung 1320€
Bonner General-Anzeiger 780€
Donaukurier 850€
Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung 400€ - 600€
Emder Zeitung 700€
Frankenpost 950€
Freies Wort 800€
Gießener Allgemeine 1100€
Goslarsche Zeitung 500€ - 800€
Hamburger Abendblatt 1500€
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung 1200€
Heilbronner Stimme 850€
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 1600€
Leipziger Volkszeitung 1400€
Main-Post 1300€
Märkische Allgemeine 750€ - 1000€
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 900€
Münsterland Zeitung 750€
Münstersche Zeitung 620€ (Main Edition Münster)
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung 1100€
Nordwest-Zeitung 1050€
Rheinische Post 1200€
Stuttgarter Zeitung 1350€
Sächsische Zeitung 1764€
Westfälische Nachrichten 2750€ (Complete Edition)
Wiesbadener Kurier 1300€

Cost-Effective Alternative: Digital Obituary

The modern alternative to the newspaper ad is the digital obituary from You can create a personal and dignified announcement that is also accessible to people without an expensive newspaper subscription.

Our user-friendly interface allows you to customize and personalize your ad. Add a photo of the deceased and create a tasteful announcement from a selection of text and image templates. In addition, our platform offers the option to share the notice with friends and family - they can express their condolences in the online condolence book if they wish.

At €35, an online obituary is significantly cheaper than a printed advertisement in a newspaper.

Also check out our simple, free downloadable obituary Word templates.