Wolfgang Braun, Köln
Cologne, November 19 2024

Life best lived, doing what you love.
We are deeply saddened to share the news that Wolfgang has departed this life to be reunited with the loving family that has gone before him and to be with his Lord God.
Wolfgang Braun A gentle soul, he loved to play ping pong and to cycle about town and explore what hadn't seen before.
13.10.1936 – 19.11.2024
Born in Bad Kreuznach, into a time of great peril, fortune would eventually prevail and he would enjoy and thrive in the prosperity around him. He worked as a pastry chef's apprentice for some time. His travels included a trip to the United States to attend his nephew's wedding and see Dallas, Texas (saw the sites in Atlanta as well). Although he later suffered a debilitating disease, it did not deny or steal from him the love of life that we all enjoy, and this is owed, in no small measure, to the German nation that supported him. He enjoyed a full life, 88 years. To the staff at Alexianer Hospitals in the Cologne (Porz) area and friends there on who he, and we, were dependent, we are so grateful and commend.
He is survived by: His niece and nephew's and family -Norman and Terry -Mark -Kirk and Susan -Karen -Bruce and Dan His Cousin Siegfriede's children
Preceded by: Father -Willie Braun Mother - Luise Zacher geb. Braun Sister and her husband - Elizabeth and Norman Farrar Aunt - Katrin Schile geb. Braun Cousin- Siegfriede
Please send flowers and tributes to the staff at Alexianer Wohnverbund Köln Gilgaustraße 51 51149 Köln

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