Directory of Obituaries Germany – Page 22
Platform for obituaries, acknowledgements and annual commemorations.
Rebecca Bauer
deceased: † 21.02.2024
published 01.03.2024 -
Sabine Eyring
deceased: † 06.02.2024
published 29.02.2024 -
Dr. Leonhardt Wetzel
07368 Remptendorfdeceased: † 03.01.2024
Note of Thankspublished 28.02.2024 -
Holger Rehnelt
16230 Breydindeceased: † 20.01.2024
published 28.02.2024 -
Stella Billert
deceased: † 18.02.2024
published 27.02.2024 -
Klaus Herda
deceased: † 27.11.2023
published 27.02.2024 -
Giorgio Di Rosa
42477 Radevormwalddeceased: † 20.02.2024
published 22.02.2024 -
Bernhard Gerstner
Heusenstammdeceased: † 14.02.2024
published 22.02.2024 -
Sandra Antretter
deceased: † 21.02.2019
Commemorationpublished 17.02.2024 -
Peer Jandke
deceased: † 14.03.2023
Commemorationpublished 17.02.2024 -
Doris Vogler
47574 Gochdeceased: † 7. Februar 2024
published 16.02.2024 -
Artur Rumpel
50733 Kölndeceased: † 0 2 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 4
published 15.02.2024 -
Daniel Potthoff
deceased: 3. Januar 2024
Note of Thankspublished 11.02.2024 -
Thomas Ulisch
deceased: † 22.01.2024
published 09.02.2024