Obituaries North Rhine-Westphalia – Page 9
Directory of obituaries from Köln, Wuppertal, Leverkusen and other cities and towns
Rudi Schwanz
53757 Sankt Augustindeceased: † 02.12.2022
published 13.12.2022 -
Barbara Johanna Eske-Tumelero
52134 Herzogenrathdeceased: † 21.11.2022
published 09.12.2022 -
Carsten Trescher
50670 Kölndeceased: † 05.11.2022
published 21.11.2022 -
Regina Boroica
deceased: † 20.08.2022
published 24.08.2022 -
Thomas Strunk
33813 Oerlinghausendeceased: † 20.07.2022
published 29.07.2022 -
Johanna Bohnenpoll
45888 Gelsenkirchendeceased: † 19 July 2022
published 22.07.2022 -
Thomas Koch
47626 Kevelaerdeceased: † 03.04.2022 in Alpen
published 02.05.2022 -
Shadab Neghabian
44104 Dortmunddeceased: + 31.03.2022
published 02.04.2022 -
Frank Hausmann
32049 Herforddeceased: † 23.02.2022
published 13.03.2022 -
Manfred Pfitzer
42655 Solingendeceased: † März 2022
published 11.03.2022 -
Derk Schmithals
44623 Hernedeceased: † 08.01.2022
published 29.01.2022 -
Waltraud Geist
33034 Brakeldeceased: † 18.12.2021
Note of Thankspublished 12.01.2022