Obituaries North Rhine-Westphalia – Page 5
Directory of obituaries from Köln, Wuppertal, Leverkusen and other cities and towns
Margret (Griet) Zeiß
51103 Kölndeceased: † 22.02.2024
published 03.03.2024 -
Giorgio Di Rosa
42477 Radevormwalddeceased: † 20.02.2024
published 22.02.2024 -
Doris Vogler
47574 Gochdeceased: † 7. Februar 2024
published 16.02.2024 -
Artur Rumpel
50733 Kölndeceased: † 0 2 . 0 2 . 2 0 2 4
published 15.02.2024 -
Daniel Potthoff
deceased: 3. Januar 2024
Note of Thankspublished 11.02.2024 -
Wolfgang Willi Heinrich Szesny
45964 Gladbeckdeceased: † 04.02.2024
published 09.02.2024 -
Bärbel Fischer
48145 Münsterdeceased: † 27.01.2024
published 30.01.2024 -
Uwe Conrads
42103 Wuppertaldeceased: † 27.01.2024
published 27.01.2024 -
Paul Hagemeister
deceased: † 13.12.2023 in Hornoldendorf
Note of Thankspublished 25.01.2024 -
Karl-Heinz Winkels
deceased: † 02.02.2023
Commemorationpublished 22.01.2024 -
Marianne Albrecht
51061 Kölndeceased: † 19.01.2024
published 19.01.2024 -
Daniel Christian Franz Potthoff
deceased: † 3. Januar 2024
published 09.01.2024 -
Dieter Sommerfeld
deceased: † 01.01.2024
published 07.01.2024 -
Klaus Gebauer
50127 Bergheimdeceased: † 24.12.2023
published 31.12.2023