Obituaries Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Directory of obituaries from Barth, Boldebuck, Dümmer and other cities and towns
Lieselore Pohl
19059 Schwerindeceased: † 15.07.2024
published 03.09.2024 -
Andreas Kemme
Dümmerdeceased: † 18.08.2024
published 23.08.2024 -
Gertrud Luise Meyer
18356 Barthdeceased: † 10.12.2023
published 14.12.2023 -
Rosa Kuhn
Rostockdeceased: † 15.10.2023
published 19.10.2023 -
Karsten Zok
Karlshagendeceased: † 26.04.2023
published 04.05.2023 -
Ingelena Fahle
18546 Sassnitzdeceased: † 21.04.2022
published 21.04.2022 -
Michael Fibranz
18276 Boldebuckdeceased: 10.03.2019
published 16.01.2022